Monday, April 26, 2010


I'm a big fan of Cake Wrecks. It's a blog featuring photos of the most disastrous professionally decorated cakes you've ever seen. Delicious and hilarious!

Here are a few of my favorites:

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

playboy = cosmopolitan

I came across this old Playboy article today. Amazing! Apparently you can tell everything about a woman just by the way she crosses her legs.

Strikingly similar to this article about men from Cosmo.

source: the selvedge yard

Saturday, April 17, 2010


After finalizing the design for my aluminum stemware, I created some 3D computer models in Rhinoceros CAD and got them SLAed (3d printed). The result is what you see below.

These models are currently at a foundry, being cast in aluminum. They have a hollow, honeycomb internal structure and are very delicate so that the aluminum can easily fill the cavity. The red portions are foundry wax, which I used to beef up the areas that might have been too thin to cast well.

It's a shame that they're about to be incinerated by molten metal. The wax and translucent plastic were really beautiful.

Monday, April 12, 2010


My senior project this year is stemware design. The center piece will be a set of 3 glasses - red wine, white wine, and champagne - made of polished aluminum and glass. There will also be a low-end "picnic" set of glasses, made of colorful plastic. Each set of glasses will have a matching tray and package design.

My class's full collection of stemware will be on display at our senior show: June 2nd at Mithun, Seattle.

Here is some of my preliminary work.

the sketch that inspired my collection

technical drawing for plastic

technical drawing for aluminum & glass

studio photo of prototype models

class critique

This project is still in progress. More photos to come!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


I went to see some performance art by John Grade. This project, called Bloom: The Elephant Bed, is eco-art aimed to draw attention to the grandeur of the environment. 10 corn based sculptures are marched through downtown and into the bay, where they dissolve and disappear. Unfortunately, some people in city hall were concerned that people might *think* the project was environmentally harmful, so the march was forbidden from entering the bay. Read an article about that mess here. So instead of majestically dissolving into the bay, the sculptures were brought to Maritime Park and hosed down by the fire department. Apparently environmentalists don't care about grass...

I also meet some robots.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

trip to boeing part 2

I got some really great feedback on my portfolio from the designers at Boeing. Here's one of my projects that went over really well.

This is Pouch. I reusable tote bag made from used grocery bags.

Monday, April 5, 2010

a trip to boeing

I went to a portfolio review at the Boeing 787 Gallery this weekend. The designers from Boeing looked at seniors industrial design portfolios from UW, Emily Carr and WWU, then gave us tips for improving them. Before the review, we got a tour of the new 878 showroom. We got to try out all sorts designs for 787 interiors!

first class


crew quarters

lighting schemes

economy class, sans chairs

Thursday, April 1, 2010

car accident

Riley's car broke down a while ago and needed a jump. I whipped out my jumper cables and we connected his and Emily's car...

It was raining, and everything was soaked, so rather than charging Riley's battery, the cables just melted. Apparently rain and jumper cables don't mix...

This car is a cable melter: